Congratulations McKinley !
June 21, 2018

Labbie McKinley Williams will be starting graduate school to study microbiology this fall at A&M. Congrats McKinely !
June 21, 2018
Labbie McKinley Williams will be starting graduate school to study microbiology this fall at A&M. Congrats McKinely !
June 02, 2018
Lab alumna and Galapawenter Kelli Restivo will undertake her PhD in Quantitative and Computational Biosciences this fall at Baylor College of Medicine. Woot !
April 30, 2018
Labbie and Galapawenter Nick Butler (in the foreground) will undertake his PhD in the social and sensory biology of reef fishes this fall in the Tricas lab at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. From one UH to another … Go Nick !
April 21, 2018
Labbie and Galapawenter Sarah Mai was awarded a SURF award for 2018. Go Sarah !
April 15, 2018
Lab alum Riley Hatch has decided to pursue a PhD with Dr. Mauricio Rodriguez-Lanetty’s group in the Integrative Marine Genomics and Symbiosis Lab at Florida International University; his focus will be reef restoration and conservation.
April 03, 2018
Our own unofficial labbie Lauren Gregory has decided to pursue her PhD at the University of Rochester with the most excellent Jenn Brisson, starting in Fall 2018. Lauren’s interests revolve around the proximate basis of adaptive evolution in plastic responses. I’m certain she and Jenn…
March 27, 2018
Our own Sophia Lauer has decided to pursue her PhD in Pharmacology at the University of Washington, starting in Fall 2018. She struggled to decide among many excellent programs, but in the end, Seattle won out. The current plan is to work on the molecular basis of variation among individuals as it…
February 01, 2018
It’s out!! A. W. Shingleton & W. A. Frankino 2016. The (ongoing) problem of relative growth. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 25: 9-19. DOI: /10.1016/j.cois.2017.10.001 Differential growth, the phenomenon where parts of the body grow at different rates, is necessary to generate the…
January 01, 2018
After finishing her PhD in the Linden/Henckaerts labs at Kings College London in Virology last year, unstoppable lab alum Sarah Smith has turned to viral oncology and will do a postdoc in Charles Bangham’s group at Imperical College London working on understanding the progression of HTLV-1…
October 01, 2017
The whole teaching team behind the annual Galapagos Research-based Learning Abroad trip was recognized by the UH chapter of Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars with an award for the best New and Innovative Program Abroad. Woot !