Congratulations Michelle !
May 01, 2020
Michelle has finally decided: she is off to undertake a PhD in genetics at Colorado University Anschutz Medical Campus.
May 01, 2020
Michelle has finally decided: she is off to undertake a PhD in genetics at Colorado University Anschutz Medical Campus.
April 11, 2020
Paula has decided to accept McGovern Medical School’s offer over all the others. Success Paula !
July 10, 2019
Three of our labbies have been accepted in the UH Medical Sciences MS program. Well done Arushana, Matt and Aya !
June 24, 2019
Five senior labbies are off - three to grad school, one to vet school, and one to dental school; I’d say who was going where, but I can’t remember the details. I look grumpy because they are leaving me behind. You all will be missed.
May 06, 2019
Three senior labbies are off to grad school. Francisco and Lydia are going up the road to UTAustin. Francisco will study paleo lizard morphology in the Kemp lab and Lydia will continue to focus on chomosomal/genome structure evolution in the Kirkpatric lab. Rebecca is bucking the trend and going to…
May 03, 2019
Long time labbies and Galapawenters (Galapagoners ??) Thanh Le and Sarah Mai are off to professional school. Thanh will start at UTHealth School of Dentistry this fall and Sarah will start at Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine at the same time. Well done.
May 01, 2019
Our own Michelle F has been awarded a position in the Microbiology Summer Undergraduate Research Program (MicroSURP) at UTHealth in Houston, where she will work with Dr. Ambro van Hoof on mRNA degradation and gene expression.
March 18, 2019
Galapago! Research Based Learning Abroad Wins UH Excellence in Teaching Group Award ! Thanks to all the students that have participated in the trip over the years (and special thanks to those that wrote us letters supporting the nomination).
October 19, 2018
Labbies Lydia Golightly and Sarah Mai presenting their SURF projects at UH Undergraduate Research Day. Technically, Lydia shouldn’t be up here because she presented her work with Azevedo’s group, but she’s still labfamily and so we get to brag on her. Sarah managed to talk both…
August 24, 2018
Last week, lab alum Stephanie Rice gave a moving, worthwhile First Lecture in the College of Education. I am so proud of the work she has done both in and outside of science, and am appreciative of her messages directed at students and faculty alike - in particular, I very much like that she spoke…