The (ongoing) problem of relative growth

February 01, 2018


It’s out!! A. W. Shingleton & W. A. Frankino 2016. The (ongoing) problem of relative growth. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 25: 9-19. DOI: /10.1016/j.cois.2017.10.001

Differential growth, the phenomenon where parts of the body grow at different rates, is necessary to generate the complex morphologies of most multicellular organisms. Despite this central importance, how differential growth is regulated remains largely unknown. Recent discoveries, particularly in insects, have started to uncover the molecular-genetic and physiological mechanisms that coordinate growth among different tissues throughout the body and regulate relative growth. These discoveries suggest that growth is coordinated by a network of signals that emanate from growing tissues and central endocrine organs. Here we review these findings and discuss their implications for understanding the regulation of relative growth and the evolution of morphology.

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